Monroe Rgnl (MLU)1.1 Miles
John H Hooks Jr Memorial (M79)14.6 Miles
Available Acreage: 51.9 Acres
Max Divisible Available: 2.00 Acres
Min Divisible Available: 2.00 Acres
Primary Airport
Monroe Rgnl (MLU)
Primary Interstate
Primary Highway
State Rte 594
Primary Rail
Kansas City Southern Railway
Primary Navigable Water
Ouachita River
49 Miles
Primary Water Ports
Port of Lake Providence
DECEMBER 29, 2020
Commencing from a 1” iron rod at the Southeast corner of Section 35, T 18 N, R 4 E of Ouachita Parish, Louisiana and being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, South 05°38’26” West, a distance of 435.77’ to a point being the PC of a curve to the left whose radius is 330.00’, whose chord bears North 70°55’05” West, a distance of 155.20’ along the arc length, a distance of 156.67’ to a point; thence, North 84°31’06” West, a distance of 196.80’ to a point; thence, North 84°31’06” West, a distance of 56.79’ to a point being the PC of a curve to the left whose radius is 330.00, whose chord bears South 65°28’54” West, a distance of 330.00’ along the arc length, a distance of 345.58’ to a point; thence, South 35°28’54” West, a distance of 464.77’ to a point being the PC of a curve to the right whose radius is 395.00’, whose chord bears South 65°28’54” West, a distance of 395.00’ along the arc length, a distance of 413.64’ to a point on the North Frontage Road right of way; thence, North 84°31’06” West along said right of way, a distance of 1321.63’ to a point on the East right of way of Luffey Drive; thence, North 39°15’57” West along said right of way, a distance of 35.79’ to a point; thence, North 05°59’13” East along said right of way, a distance of 338.40’ to a point on the Southwest corner of a sewer pumping station; thence, South 84°31’06” East, a distance of 50.16’ to a point; thence, North 05°59’13” East, a distance of 50.48’ to a point; thence, North 84°31’06” West, a distance of 50.16’ to a point on the East right of way of Luffey Drive; thence, North 05°59’13” East along said right of way, a distance of 501.54’ to a found 5/8” rebar; thence, observed South 85°05’41” West, a distance of 700.02’ to a found 5/8” rebar; thence, observed North 05°59’57” East, a distance of 899.89’ to a found 5/8” rebar on the South right of way of Millhaven Road; thence, South 85°13’24” East along said right of way, a distance of 517.04’ to a found ½” iron pipe; thence, South 00°31’00” West on the West property line of Arkansas Freightways Corp. property, a distance of 419.86’ to a found ½” iron pipe; thence, South 85°06’21” East on the South property line of Arkansas Freightways Corp. property, a distance of 419.85’ to a found ½” iron pipe; thence, North 00°31’00” East on the East property line of Arkansas Freightways Corp., a distance of 419.86’ to a found ½” iron pipe on the South right of way of Millhaven Road; thence, South 85°06’21” East along said right of way, a distance of 251.90’ to a found 5/8” rebar; thence, South 05°08’00” West on the West property line of Evans Oil Company LLC., a distance of 418.64’ to a found 5/8” rebar; thence, South 85°06’21” East on the South property line of Evans Oil Company LLC., a distance of 681.84’ to a point; thence, South 00°16’39” West, a distance of 261.10’ back to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 69.609 acres more or less.
LESS AND EXCEPT a 1.517 acre tract Road “F” and being more particularly described as commencing from a 1” iron rod at the Southeast corner of Section 35, T 18 N, R 4 E of Ouachita Parish, Louisiana; thence, South 05°38’26” West, a distance of 435.77’ to a point being the PC of a curve to the left whose radius is 330.00’, whose chord bears North 70°55’05” West, a distance of 155.20’ along the arc length, a distance of 156.67’ to a point; thence, North 84°31’06” West, a distance of 56.80’ to a point and being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, North 84°31’06” West, a distance of 140.00’ to a point; thence, North 50°28’54” East, a distance of 28.28’ to a point; thence, North 05°28’54” East, a distance of 636.18’ to a point; thence, South 85°06’21” East, a distance of 100.01’ to a point; thence, South 05°28’54” West, a distance of 637.20’ to a point; thence, South 39°31’06” East, a distance of 28.28’ back to the POINT OF BEGINNING and being 1.517 acres.
1. 10’ wide Gas Line Right of Way adjacent to State Highway 594, C.B. 1520, PG. 382 Ouachita Parish Clerk of Court.
2. 16’ wide Gas Line Right of Way adjacent to State Highway 594, C.B. 212, PG. 410 Ouachita Parish Clerk of Court.
3. 10’ wide Utility Easement and 25’ Setback Lines along portions of the property perimeter as shown on plat filed in Plat Book 24, PG. 65, Ouachita Parish Clerk of Court.
4. Unfiled 0.083 acre Advertising Billboard Easement shown in Plat Book 24, PG. 65, Ouachita Parish Clerk of Court.
SEE ATTACHED (Updated EOD, LLC Addresses and Legal) for LESS AND EXCEPT Tract 2-A with plat map.
Electricity | Entergy |
Water | City of Monroe |
Water Distance | 0.1 miles |
Pipe Size | 16 inches |
Telecommunications | AT&T |
Natural Gas | Atmos |
Sewer | City of Monroe |
Sewer Distance | 0.1 miles |
Pipe Size | 15 inches |
Fiber-Optic | AT&T |
Fire Station | |
Closest Fire Station | Monroe Airport |
Distance | 3.23 miles |
ISO Rating | 1 |
Lease Price | Not for Lease |
Sale Price | 3602516.74 |
Property ID | 18017 |
Fire Rating | 1 |
Enterprise Zone | No |
Foreign Trade Zone | No |
Within City Limits | Yes |
Cranes | |
Cranes | No |
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NAI Faulk & Foster
1811 Auburn Ave
Monroe, LA 71201
Property Last Updated 2/3/2025 4:36:18 PM
Site Selection Center
Subdividable: Yes
Max Divisible Available: 2.00 Acres
Min Divisible Available: 2.00 Acres
Sale Price
This is only a summary of this property. For complete details visit:
Site Selection Center
Monroe Rgnl (MLU)
1.1 Miles
John H Hooks Jr Memorial (M79)
14.6 Miles
1.3 Miles
State Rte 594
0 Miles
US Hwy 80
2.2 Miles
Kansas City Southern Railway
0 Miles
Union Pacific Railroad
1.9 Miles
Ouachita River
Ouachita River Miles
Tensas River
49 Miles
Port of Lake Providence
55 Miles
Port of Vicksburg
66 Miles
Site Selection Center
Monroe Airport
Distance: 3.23 Miles
ISO Rating: 1
Has Cranes: No
Provider: Entergy
Provider: City of Monroe
Water Distance: 0.1 miles
Pipe Size: 16 inches
Provider: AT&T
Provider: Atmos
Provider: City of Monroe
Sewer Distance: 0.1 miles
Pipe Size: 15 inches
Provider: AT&T
Site Selection Center
Property Id: 18017 | Foreign Trade Zone: No |
Enterprise Zone: No | Within City Limits: Yes |
Site Selection Center
Site Selection Center
To download all documents & view videos, visit
Louis Luffey
Office: 3188074666
Mobile: 3186005575
NAI Faulk & Foster
1811 Auburn Ave
Monroe, LA 71201
Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Entergy Services, LLC, Entergy Arkansas, LLC, Entergy Louisiana, LLC., Entergy Mississippi, LLC, Entergy New Orleans, LLC, Entergy Texas, Inc., (collectively, the “Entergy Companies”) are not licensed to market any real property.
Information about these properties is provided merely to assist in economic development efforts. The Entergy Companies make no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding accuracy or completeness of the information nor the condition or suitability of these properties. Inquiries about any property should be directed to the listing broker for that property. Used only with the permission of the Entergy Companies. Usage restricted.
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This is only a summary of this property. For complete details visit: