Site Selection Center


Grace Farms East

457 Acres

  • Location

    15820 Ramah Road
    Ramah, LA, 70757
    Iberville Parish
    30.40972, -91.49785
  • Listing Size

    Available Acreage: 457 Acres
    Max Divisible Available: 457 Acres
    Min Divisible Available: .00 Acres

  • Property Type



Transportation Infrastructure

Primary Airport
Baton Rouge Metropolitan (BTR)

Commercial, Freight, Charter

22.2 Miles

  • Lafayette Regional (LFT)

    Commercial, Freight, Charter

    32.5 Miles

Primary Interstate

0.4 Miles

  • I-110 19.2 Miles

Primary Highway
State Rte 76

0 Miles

  • State Rte 3000 0 Miles
  • LA-76 0.6 Miles
  • LA-77 3.5 Miles

Primary Rail
Union Pacific Railroad

1.8 Miles

  • Union Pacific Railroad 2.8 Miles
  • Kansas City Southern Railway 13.1 Miles
  • Kansas City Southern (KCS) 13.9 Miles

Primary Navigable Water
Bayou Grosse Tete


2.7 Miles

  • Atchafalaya River


    8.3 Miles

Primary Water Ports
Greater Krotz Springs Port Commission


17.3 Miles

  • Greater Baton Rouge Port


    17.4 Miles
  • Port of Greater Baton Rouge


    18 Miles
  • Port of Iberia


    37.9 Miles

Data Source

Grace Farms East


Electricity Entergy
Water Iberville Parish Utilities
Telecommunications AT&T Louisiana
Natural Gas Iberville Parish Utilities
Sewer Self Treatment
Fiber-Optic AT&T Louisiana
Lease Price Not for Lease
Sale Price $12,946,020.00
Property ID 4385
Enterprise Zone No
Foreign Trade Zone No
Industrial Park No
Within City Limits No


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Russell Richardson
Senior Vice President of Business Development

225-339-1171 Office
225-336-4306 Fax


Baton Rouge Area Chamber

Hank Grace
Executive Director

(225) 687-35690 Office
(225) 687-3575 Fax
(225) 776-1070 Mobile


Iberville Chamber of Commerce
23675 Church Street
Plaquemine, LA 70764

Property Last Updated 9/3/2024 9:35:06 AM

Site Selection Center

Site in Iberville Parish, LA

Grace Farms East

Site Image 1
457 Acres
Contiguous Available:

Max Divisible Available: 457 Acres
Min Divisible Available: .00 Acres

Listing Price

Sale Price

Lease Price

Property Type

  • Industrial
  • Commercial

This is only a summary of this property. For complete details visit:

Site Selection Center

Grace Farms East

Transportation Infrastructure

  • 15820 Ramah Road
  • Ramah, Louisiana 70757


  • Primary:
    Baton Rouge Metropolitan (BTR)

    22.2 Miles

  • Additional:
    Lafayette Regional (LFT)

    32.5 Miles


  • Primary:

    0.4 Miles

  • Additional:

    19.2 Miles

U.S. Highways

  • Primary:
    State Rte 76

    0 Miles

  • Additional:
    State Rte 3000

    0 Miles


  • Primary:
    Union Pacific Railroad

    1.8 Miles

  • Additional:
    Union Pacific Railroad

    2.8 Miles

Navigable Water

  • Primary:
    Bayou Grosse Tete

    Bayou Grosse Tete Miles

  • Additional:
    Atchafalaya River

    8.3 Miles


  • Primary:
    Greater Krotz Springs Port Commission

    17.3 Miles

  • Additional:
    Greater Baton Rouge Port

    17.4 Miles

Site Selection Center

Grace Farms East

Property Details

Fire Protection


Has Cranes: No



Provider: Entergy


Provider: Iberville Parish Utilities


Provider: AT&T Louisiana

Natural Gas

Provider: Iberville Parish Utilities


Provider: Self Treatment


Provider: AT&T Louisiana

Site Selection Center

Grace Farms East

Space & More Information

More Information

Property Id: 4385 Industrial Park: No
Enterprise Zone: No Within City Limits: No
Foreign Trade Zone: No

Additional Images

Site Image 2 Site Image 3

Site Selection Center

Grace Farms East


Site Selection Center

Grace Farms East

Ready to learn more about this site?

Russell Richardson
Senior Vice President of Business Development

Office: 225-339-1171

Fax: 225-336-4306

Baton Rouge Area Chamber

Hank Grace
Executive Director

Office: (225) 687-35690
Mobile: (225) 776-1070
Fax: (225) 687-3575

Iberville Chamber of Commerce
23675 Church Street
Plaquemine, LA 70764

Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Entergy Services, LLC, Entergy Arkansas, LLC, Entergy Louisiana, LLC., Entergy Mississippi, LLC, Entergy New Orleans, LLC, Entergy Texas, Inc., (collectively, the “Entergy Companies”) are not licensed to market any real property.

Information about these properties is provided merely to assist in economic development efforts. The Entergy Companies make no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding accuracy or completeness of the information nor the condition or suitability of these properties. Inquiries about any property should be directed to the listing broker for that property. Used only with the permission of the Entergy Companies. Usage restricted.

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This is only a summary of this property. For complete details visit:

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