Site Selection Center


Williams Memorial Airport Business Park

100 Acres

  • Location

    LA 182 and Airport Circle
    Patterson, LA, 70392
    St. Mary Parish
    29.70605, -91.33636
  • Listing Size

    Available Acreage: 100 Acres
    Max Divisible Available: 100 Acres
    Min Divisible Available: .00 Acres

  • Property Type


Transportation Infrastructure

Primary Airport
Wedell Williams

Commercial, Freight, Charter

0 Miles

  • Louis Armstrong New Orleans International (MSY)

    Commercial, International, Freight, Charter

    67.7 Miles

Primary Interstate
Hwy. 90 (future I-49)

4 Miles

  • I-10 41.7 Miles

Primary Highway

0.2 Miles

  • State Rte 182 0.4 Miles
  • US Hwy 90 0.6 Miles
  • US-90 1 Miles

Primary Rail
Burlington Northern And Santa Fe

0.7 Miles

  • BNSF/Union Pacific Railroad Company 1.1 Miles
  • Louisiana and Delta Railroad, Incorporated 6.3 Miles
  • Louisiana & Delta Railroad 6.3 Miles

Primary Navigable Water
Bayou Teche


0.5 Miles

  • Atchafalaya River


    1.9 Miles

Primary Water Ports
Port of Morgan City


8.4 Miles

  • Port of Morgan City


    19.7 Miles
  • Port of West St. Mary


    25.5 Miles
  • Port of Iberia


    34.1 Miles

Data Source

Airport Business Park , for light industry or commercial, land adjacent to runway


Lease Price negotiable
Sale Price negotiable
Property ID 2839
Industrial Park Yes
Within City Limits No


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Frank Fink
Director of Economic Development

337 828-4100 Office


St. Mary Parish
Courthouse Bldg. - 5th Floor Franklin, LA 70538

Property Last Updated 7/31/2024 9:19:00 PM

Site Selection Center

Site in St. Mary Parish, LA

Williams Memorial Airport Business Park

Site Image 1
Airport Business Park , for light industry or commercial, land adjacent to runway
100 Acres
Contiguous Available:

Max Divisible Available: 100 Acres
Min Divisible Available: .00 Acres

Listing Price

Sale Price

Lease Price

Property Type

  • Industrial

This is only a summary of this property. For complete details visit:

Site Selection Center

Williams Memorial Airport Business Park

Transportation Infrastructure

  • LA 182 and Airport Circle
  • Patterson, Louisiana 70392


  • Primary:
    Wedell Williams

    0 Miles

  • Additional:
    Louis Armstrong New Orleans International (MSY)

    67.7 Miles


  • Primary:
    Hwy. 90 (future I-49)

    4 Miles

  • Additional:

    41.7 Miles

U.S. Highways

  • Primary:

    0.2 Miles

  • Additional:
    State Rte 182

    0.4 Miles


  • Primary:
    Burlington Northern And Santa Fe

    0.7 Miles

  • Additional:
    BNSF/Union Pacific Railroad Company

    1.1 Miles

Navigable Water

  • Primary:
    Bayou Teche

    Bayou Teche Miles

  • Additional:
    Atchafalaya River

    1.9 Miles


  • Primary:
    Port of Morgan City

    8.4 Miles

  • Additional:
    Port of Morgan City

    19.7 Miles

Site Selection Center

Williams Memorial Airport Business Park

Property Details

Fire Protection


Has Cranes: No


Site Selection Center

Williams Memorial Airport Business Park

Space & More Information

More Information

Property Id: 2839 Within City Limits: No
Industrial Park: Yes

Additional Images

Site Image 2

Site Selection Center

Williams Memorial Airport Business Park


Site Selection Center

Williams Memorial Airport Business Park

Ready to learn more about this site?

Frank Fink
Director of Economic Development

Office: 337 828-4100

St. Mary Parish
Courthouse Bldg. - 5th Floor Franklin, LA 70538

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This is only a summary of this property. For complete details visit:

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